For our year to be successful God want us to remain connected to Jesus all our lives here on earth and we will be able to produce fruits (be successful).

God’s will for every one of us is to be useful in his kingdom and in the society.


Matthew 21:1-11


Matthew 21:9b   


“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”

Matthew 21:9b


Read the story and explain to kids the part of shouting HOSANNA.
Allow the kids to participate and let them shout by repeating the memory verse over and over.

Materials: donkey template, colour, glue, scissor,
• Print out and colour the donkey template.
• Cut out the donkey and glue both sides together.
• Colour the donkey. Remember to use black for the legs and the tail.


With your donkey in hands lets repeat the memory verse.
Matthew 21:9b: “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!”


Read the story and explain it in your own words. Read the story again but this time with the intention of wanting God to speak to you through His word. If the Holy Spirit reveals anything to you please share with your family or your teacher.

Answer the following questions:

1. What did Jesus say to his disciples in this story?
2. How did the disciples prepare the donkey for Jesus?
3. What did the crowds spread on the road before Jesus?
4. What did the people shout? Why did they say that?
5. Why do you think Jesus came in riding on a donkey? Why not a horse?
6. If you were among the crowds how would you have shown your joy when you saw Jesus?