Holy Spirit Seminar Day 1: Samson: A life of Miracles and Mistakes
- Details
- Sermons
Spirit-Empowered People
The book of Judges
3 failures of Israel
- Failure to possess the land
- Failure to maintain pure worship
- Failure to transmit a godly heritage
- 350 years of Judges
- Cycles of Sin and Revival
- Two major lessons for our messages:
- Sin has consequences
- Spirit’s Empowerment for Victory is available
Judges 21:25
The cycle of the Book of Judges
- People fall into sin and idolatry
- God is angry
- Oppression by enemies
- People cry out (Repentance)
- Salvation through chosen Judge
- Peace
- Judge dies
Samson: A life of miracles and mistakes
Introduction to Samson
Judges 13:1
- Charles Spurgeon: Samson’s life is a science of miracles and mistakes
- Samson’s feats are legendary, but it’s his flaws that proved to be fatal
- His two greatest weaknesses were revenge and romance. He was extremely gifted but certainly not godly.
Samson’s family album
Three pictures to describe his life
Judges 13:1-23
- A child with Unbelievable Promise
- A champion with Unbelievable Power
- A man with an Unreliable Character