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God our Father
Sun, Aug 17, 2014
God addressed Himself as God (in the Old Testament) and not as a Father to the Israelites. The covenant had been broken and needed restoration. Jesus had to appear on earth and die for us in order to have us restored in relationship with God as our Father. We can call God Abba Father because His Spirit is in us and bears witness with our spirit that we are His sons. God is a Father and He gives good gifts to His children. He gave you salvation which is the most important thing in life, we didn't ask for it but He gave it to us. Our lives should be lives of continual thanksgiving daily. God gave Himself to us through Jesus Christ who died on the Cross for us. God gave His Son; the Son gave the Holy Spirit. We have the three in one God in us; Father, Son & Holy Spirit
Committed to the King
Thu, Aug 07, 2014
God walked with Abraham and Isaac. He then walked with Jacob. Are you going to be willing to give all in order for God's will to be fulfilled? A life of total surrender can only be made once you a) have an encounter with God. b) You don't have high expectations. 3 commitments that Jacob made: 1) You will be my God. God expects you to commit to accepting Him as your God. 2) I will build You a house. We have to devote all we are to His glory. The place to start is not building a house for God but making our bodies His temple. 3) I will give you my tithes. Stuff do not glorify God, they facilitate that God be glorified. If you want your children and children’s children to be blessed, be serious with God and stay committed to Him.
The Unstoppable Kingdom
Wed, Aug 06, 2014
When advancing God's Kingdom you need to know the territory which you have been called to impact. Every territory has already been occupied. You can't occupy without dispossessing strongholds. You can do far more in the territory that God has called you compared to trying to occupy a territory that is not yours. God blesses you in the territory He has planted you! Wherever you find yourself, know the world in which God has planted you. How does the Kingdom of God benefit from where you have been planted? When God gives you a position, He looks at the bigger picture. How is the Kingdom of God benefiting from your life? How will the Kingdom of God benefit from your life? Your assignment is to bring God’s Kingdom into your sphere of influence and uproot the demonic assignments put onto your path of destiny. You cannot rule the world without being filled by the Holy Spirit. You need to be filled by the Holy Spirit.
Your Will Be Done
Tue, Aug 05, 2014
There is energy, power and a force behind 'will'. It is impossible to do the will of God if you are alive to self; you need to die to self. Many of us have already decided on whom we want to be and where we want to be. We only then seek for God to put His stamp of approval on what we have chosen and ordained for ourselves. Before you open your mouth to pray, listen to the voice of God. You need to pray according to the will of God over your life. Allow God to be God and stop trying to be someone else; be yourself and celebrate who God has created you to be. In order for us to build our trust in God we need to believe: a) He is not capable of making a mistake b) He is not capable of doing any wrong c) He knows the end from the beginning
Your Kingdom come
Mon, Aug 04, 2014
A King is someone who has supreme authority. God, Our King has supreme authority and above Him there is no other. The Kingdom of God doesn't need to be seen, it is within you. Therefore God is in control, in charge and in authority of the kingdom. You need to become a Kingdom person and not a Church goer. Kingdom people dream BIG and have a nation oriented visions. Kingdom people possess territory wherever God has planted them. Kingdom people know that they represent the Kingdom and know how to use influence. God gives position for influence. Is God King in your life? Is your life submitted to God's supreme authority? Is God Lord over your life? You cannot understand the message of the Kingdom if God isn't King in your life. He cannot be just your Saviour, He needs to be also King, and the One who has supreme authority in your life!
Take the baby to the mother
Sun, Aug 03, 2014
When the Shunammite's son died she most probably made these 2 confessions: Confession 1... "There will be no funeral here!" What is your confession when faced with a dead situation? Confession 2... "My mouth will not announce the works of the devil!" Whose works do you announce? What is it that you have been nurturing that has died on your lap? In this season God is dealing with things in your life that you been carrying and they have died on your lap.
They Engaged in Prayer
Sun, Jul 27, 2014
Creation purpose is for dominion before worship. In “Psalms 8” God has ordained praise on the lips of infants and tongues of babes (imperfect, immature, prone to weakness). Praise is a billboard to proclaim God's power. The way we beat the devil is by being billboards; our lifestyle proclaims and publicizes God's reality. When pressure is put on us by the devil we must not be pushed into crying, complaining, and murmuring. For the sake of the One who saved you, stand tall and shake off anything which is and ENGAGE IN PRAYER
Ecclesia on Pentecost
Sun, Jul 20, 2014
The work of the Holy Spirit is first internal before external. He changes your behavior; realigns your work/expertise with His word i.e. your belief system changes. When the Holy Spirit comes into your life He gives you boldness. The anointing of the Holy Spirit: i) Preaching the gospel to the poor - Preach at all times, if necessary use words. ii) Heals the broken hearted iii) Proclaims liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind iv) Proclaims the acceptable year of the Lord (Jubilee)
Empowered by the Holy Spirit
Sun, Jul 13, 2014
A life of conviction is stronger than a life of faith. 4 Convictions of the church in Acts 2: 1) They were convinced that they were called by God. 2) They were convinced that they were called out of the world. 3) They were called above the world into fellowship with God. 4) They were called for the world.
The Symbols of the Holy Spirit
Sun, Jun 29, 2014
Symbols of the Holy Spirit: a) Wind - represents the invisible power of God which gives guidance and direction. b) Fire - refines and removes impurities (e.g. Lying, low self esteem) in our lives c) River d) Oil e) Rain f) Dove
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