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Becoming a contagious christian
Sun, Dec 07, 2014
Reaching out to Individuals and Households has always been fundamental in God’s Salvation plan. If we truly understood our mandate as the church, every person we related with would be our mission field. Curry Blake said: “If your Gospel isn’t touching others, it hasn’t touched you”.
Entering your divine destiny
Sun, Nov 30, 2014
Numbers 14:24 " But because my servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly, I will bring him into the land he went to, and his descendants will inherit it" Each of of us has a divine destiny in our lives. God did not only save us from sin, He saved us to a destiny- It is not enough to be saved from sin, you need to be saved into your destiny. There is a 'Canaan' place of destiny for all of us to reach
We've come to the place
Sun, Nov 23, 2014
Whether at an individual level or community level, true fulfillment can only find its full expression in divine purpose and destiny
To the 21st century traveller
Sun, Nov 16, 2014
"As you travel daily, travel with the idea that it could be the last day – Be God conscious as you travel. This is a season were we have to be more and more aware of the things around us – Adjust to the reality that these are the end times. The world might be in charge but not in control – Heaven rules! The world might provide leadership and expertise but it is unable to take us to our destination – Only God can take us to our destination."
Numbering your days
Wed, Nov 12, 2014
No matter how old you are, pray that when you leave this earth you have lived a purpose driven life. You waste or improve your life one day at a time . Try to count the number of days that you have been alive. How many of those days do you remember? Remember you lived them; time moves so fast. When God asks you to account for the time you have lived what are you going to say?
The Power of Christian Hope
Sun, Nov 09, 2014
In a society where hopelessness has led scores of people to self-destruction; Christian hope (that positive outlook to life as far as the future is concerned based on the person of Christ, a past, and his promise) stands as the sure and secure anchor for humanity
In Prison but free
Sun, Nov 02, 2014
The situation you are in is not to bring you down but to lift you up. There is a level of praise that is propelled by pain. You can be in a prison but free. Paul and Silas were in prison but free to praise. It is in the midnight hour that you see the greatness of God and are exposed to more that he can do. However you need to realize that God is sovereign, God is love, God is wise and you need to know who you have believed and trust in Him. As He has called you, all things will work together for your good for you love and trust him. You are never in prison to break you but to build and liberate you. God loves you.
The Importance of Thanksgiving
Tue, Oct 28, 2014
When an all powerful, all knowing and self sufficient God asks us to be thankful it highlights the importance of thanksgiving. All our sacrifices are an act of gratitude to what God has done for us. Thanksgiving is a lifestyle where we refuse to be familiar with what God has done for us. A sacrifice of thanksgiving honours God
An Attittude of Gratitiude
Mon, Oct 27, 2014
The Importance of thanksgiving: 1.It helps you not to kill your past with God 2. Thanksgiving will give you another spirit (of Gratitude). When you are deep in meditation, you remember the good things that happened in your life. Thanksgiving saves out past, preserves our present and protects our future. Make your present your passion: What you do now will affect your future! God is honoured through a sacrifice of thanksgiving
The hidden power of Thanksgiving
Sun, Oct 26, 2014
2 Types of sacrifices: 1. Burnt Offering 2. Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a powerful sacrifice that is done in response to what God has done for us in our lives. We need to be people of thanksgiving so that we do not kill our history with God. The attitude we need to carry is "I will not offer to God what cost me nothing"
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