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A fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit
Sun, May 16, 2021
A fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit will not only greatly increase our dynamism but help us successfully tackle the three major crises - spiritual bankruptcy, moral decadence, and a global upheaval associated with the eschaton. However, to experience this outpouring, every member of this alternative community should strive to cultivate four indispensable dispositions.
A Conspicuous Absence In Our Christian Experience
Sun, May 09, 2021
We are not the first to struggle with a lack of dynamism. Few of the first members of this new community were ineffective due to a conspicuous absence in their Christian experience. Our Christian experience might be accurate without being adequate. Our Christian experience is, by design, progressive. Our Christian experience, when fully embraced, does lead to a dynamic life.
Recipient of a peculiar mandate
Sun, Apr 18, 2021
An alternative community is a group of people empowered to do and to teach the things God wants them to do and to teach in fundamentally different mainstream society. Their love for God must is the motivating force in how they think, speak, and act. Because of who and what they belong to, they ought to move from the evil use of religion to the emancipating power of Christianity. LUKE 24:45-53; ACTS 1:1-11
Start to live differently
Sun, Apr 04, 2021
The suffering, death, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ have the power to overwhelm, disarm and renew all at the same time. Right Now Counts Forever! Therefore, Believers should live in the present with the future clearly in view.
Sun, Mar 28, 2021
Life can deplete you of power through exposure to problems for which you have not been calibrated. Pausing to pray is a discipline God designed to help Life-Changers remain radically committed to their high calling. Our prayer time helps us discover that loving God and our neighbour are two dimensions of the same thing.
Sun, Mar 21, 2021
Jesus, in the presence of members of the great crowd and the group of disciples, embraced compassionate ministry to the most vulnerable in society. Life-Changers are who they are because they have allowed their hearts to be touched by human misery. Compassion motivates one to react, to reach-out, and to address whatever can be redressed.
Be a blessing
Sun, Mar 14, 2021
Our common humanity should help us discern that our neighbour is the one we least expect to be a neighbour. We have been mandated to: do not turn a blind eye, cross over to the right side of the road, and change the circumstance of someone who is suffering or has been wronged 
The world  that needs change
Sun, Mar 07, 2021
The word world is in some instances used to designate God’s creation, the human sphere of life or place of their habitation, humanity in general, and it is as well used to describe evil. It is easy to use the wrong definition in the wrong context and come out with a false conclusion. Consequently, we can become detached from any interaction with the world and on the other extreme, we can become embroiled unto it.
Changed People
Sun, Feb 28, 2021
The desire to know God transcends the accumulation of facts about God. It is the full acquaintance with the will of God, a knowledge translated into a system of living and affecting one’s daily conduct as well as interactions with others.
Tags: Change
Change your identity
Sun, Feb 21, 2021
A name is not just a name, it is a collection of specific characteristics and qualities that you embody. What are the characteristics that embody your name? What identity is carried by your name? What are the things that must come before a change of identity take place and what are the consequences of changing an identity?
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