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Give and Gain
Sun, Feb 16, 2020
When you give in life you gain. We have been set apart from unto. Where our hearts are given, everything else will follow. Giving is a heart issue which requires faith (to act) and obedience (gives access to what we need to gain).
Spiritual Milk - Baptism
Wed, Feb 12, 2020
Baptism is an outward symbol of an inward commitment. Baptism does not make you a Christian. It shows that you are a Christian because you have publicly declared your commitment to Christ.
Now That You Have Been Reconciled With Christ
Sun, Feb 09, 2020
Since we have been restored with Christ and fellow man we need to act accordingly by living in harmony, fellowship and peace with others. Additionally, we ought to make love the centre of everything. We must pursue Godliness and usefulness. Lastly we have to walk in humility.
Spiritual Milk - Faith Towards God
Wed, Feb 05, 2020
Faith is being fully convinced that what God had promised He is also able to perform it. Faith toward God is established in God, with whom nothing is impossible. Faith originates from the Word of God and God himself. Faith towards God is developed through: Word of God (Roms 10:17); Consistency in following God and Praying consistently and continually.
Now That You Have Been Made Alive
Sun, Feb 02, 2020
Before Christ we were dead spirituality and separated from God. But God by His mercy and love, we have been made alive in Christ. We are spiritually regenerated. Our response to regeneration (new life) should be Faith in Christ, fight the good fight of faith, and Holiness to Christ.
Spiritual Milk - Restitution
Wed, Jan 29, 2020
Restitution is the act of making amends for wrongs done against our fellow-men. It is the confirmation of our conversion. Restitution is an avenue to make your ways right with your fellow man while salvation makes your ways right with God.
Now That You Have Changed Camps
Sun, Jan 26, 2020
Through redemption God bought us back, He delivered us from the camp of bondage (addiction, oppression, despair, etc.) to the camp of freedom. Now that we have changed camps, we have to prove it by our lifestyle. Live a live that is worthy of God, our lifestyle must glorify God.
Spiritual Milk - Repentance from Dead Works
Wed, Jan 22, 2020
Discipleship is one of five God's purposes for our lives on earth. Disciples are like learners like we are learning as Christians to be Christ-like. Repentance is a process of whereby one changes his or her mind and turns away from things that do not glorify God (dead works). Repentance requires one to turn around and going in the opposite direction.
Meet Our Saviour - Vision Talk 2020
Sun, Jan 19, 2020
Through the dramatic call on a dusty road to Damascus, God wants us to keep imagining a common future for a community in our current day. God wants us to understand our common Christian Community and Christian Engagement. For we have a Common Saviour - knowledge of who God is and service to Him goes hand in hand.
What is So Special About Being Saved?
Sun, Jan 12, 2020
Without a proper perspective with regard to our salvation we will never be able to understand the purpose of our calling. Salvation affords us a new reality to which we are called to live.
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