Every individual who overcomes any challenge is able to do so because they can see the end gain in pain.
God is not in the business of aligning Himself to scientific laws, nor is He obsessed with fitting within the boxes of what science calls normal. God is also not limited by what limits us as humans. As a child of God, hearing the prophetic before seeing its manifestation is a sign that you are operating before your time.
The word world is in some instances used to designate God’s creation, the human sphere of life or place of their habitation, humanity in general, and it is as well used to describe evil. It is easy to use the wrong definition in the wrong context and come out with a false conclusion. Consequently, we can become detached from any interaction with the world and on the other extreme, we can become embroiled unto it.
Sun, Feb 14, 2021
Prioritising is one of a handful of principles that is fundamental to human existence. When God engaged Cain, he wanted to know what he had as a priority. Did he have self as a priority or his brother.
A God orchestrated trial comes with a guarantee of His assistance. When the devil tries to do too much to you, it is an opportunity for God to do super exceedingly and above all you can imagine on your behalf. Therefore, do not bow to life's pressure, bring back glory to God and learn to respect what other people are going through.
Monuments that are properly erected, celebrated and commemorated produce foresight. What you are going through is not unique, some people have gone through similar challenges and managed to pull through. When you have good foresight you will be able to prepare for future occurrences.
The new normal for the new community speaks to the re-empowerment of saints: 1) reactivation of divine promises, 2) Divine presence - real experiences with God, and. 3) Divine power - being able to affect change. Fire brings light, produces heat. and produces smoke. Fire might not seen or felt but it can be smelt, thus it is hard to miss the fire and we need to like fire and have an impact in out societies. Fire is a constant just like God and what differs is the material it comes into contact with thus it burn at different rates. If we elevate our trust and faith maybe we will come out better because we are being refined by the fire and not consumed. May our faith be anchored on the Word so we can have real experiences.
Samaria went through a similar situation we are currently experiencing with the COVID-19 pandemic. In the Samaria siege, there was no movement allowed in and out of Samaria. The economy is adversely affected in a siege situation, people have no choice and leaders have no solutions to the needs of the people. It is terrifying to notice how incredibly easy it was to hear the word of an established prophet with impeccable track records but yet still not believe.
God has a lot of people He can choose from and yet He chose you for a specific calling. Divine Favour is God's doing His part upfront. Righteousness makes you eligible to God's favour. God favours you regardless of who you are and what you have gone through.
A network is an interconnected system that requires physical or mental effort to achieve a goal. Therefore requires mutual reliance to function. Big breakthroughs are often the result of divine interposition and effective networking. There are certain people God will insert into your life to extract you from the wrong network and direct you where He has destined you to be. Divine networking is being placed in a network where you benefit and others benefit from you as well.