

Jul 2013 - Feb 2016
Sermons in this series
Sun, Feb 28, 2016
Transformation is a complete or major change in someone's or something's appearance, form, etc.
Wed, Sep 30, 2015
Benefits of hearing from Heaven: 1. Communion - Make hearing a key cornerstone in your relationship with the Lord. 2. Direction - When God gives direction, He gives specifics. 3. Personal Growth - all of us are on a journey, a growth track. 4. Protection - For us to receive maximum protection He provides, we need to hear from Him. 5. Ministry effectiveness -Willingness and ability to hear advances the kingdom of God.
Tue, Sep 29, 2015
Five ways God speaks today: 1. The written word of God - there is everything that you need for life in the written word. 2. The inward witness of the Spirit - an impression, a nudge, conviction, it is expressed inwardly but not verbally. 3. The voice of the Spirit - God speaking to you in an articulate way to you inwardly. 4. Wise Counsel - Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed. 5. Extraordinary Manifestations - visions, dreams, angelic visitations and prophetic messages
Mon, Sep 28, 2015
Hearing from heaven is an urgent need in the church today. God’s people frequently have difficulty hearing and recognizing God’s voice. We live in a noisy world – this is a challenge for us and affect how we hear God’s voice from heaven. Hearing from God requires discipline and training to hear from God. It is beneficial in the world we live in. God desires to speak to His people. Are you willing to obey and respond to His prompting?
Fri, Nov 22, 2013
Prayer is not just about talking but it is mainly about bringing results. It is linked to lifestyle; it is a state of mind, a way of thinking through life. Intercession is a powerful weapon that needs to be used properly. Intercession was established to respond to the needs of God. It is never turned toward self but always turned toward God.
Sun, Aug 11, 2013
You cannot call yourself a son of God if you do not have the spirit of God. It is the Spirit that gives testimony that we are sons of God. The source of our testimony, our knowledge and our encounter with God is based on the leading of the Spirit of God. Wisdom is the ability to apply knowledge and experience appropriately. Revelation is the insight. It is possible to love God but yet remain spiritually blind. It is not good enough to say I know God, I love God, I come to church; you need to know a bit more about God and have an insight about God.
Wed, Aug 07, 2013
Counselor means the one who gives advice, who warns, guides in the way you should follow and instructs you on what should be done or not be done. There is good counsel and it comes from the Holy Spirit. If you follow His counsel you will be blessed. How does God speak to us ?
Tue, Aug 06, 2013
All the time God deals with people, it is Him who takes the initiative. Salvation journey starts with God self-giving, He discloses Himself to you. This means that if you want to develop or go beyond the entry level, you need to bring in your personal commitment. Everything starts with God self-giving but develop through our commitment to grow.
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