Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday

Apr 2017 - Apr 2020
Sermons in this series
Sun, Apr 12, 2020
We can be confident even in the middle of chaos because of our Saviour’s constant interest, courageous involvement, and complete conquest.
Sun, Apr 21, 2019
Christianity is not based on opinions , but upon facts.Therefore, the Christian power resides in the resurrection life of Christ. When Jesus cried tetelestai (it is finished) he overcame the powers of darkness and we are free because Jesus died on the cross and he resurrected. .
Sun, Apr 16, 2017
Jesus is risen. His resurrection is still as powerful today as it was when it happened. The implications of his Resurrection. 1) His resurrection implies divinity. The fact that Jesus dies is not proof itself that Jesus is God but his resurrection validates who he claims to be. 2) Commission to proclaim good news. 3) Surety of His Promises 4) His resurrection guarantees our resurrection. 5) Assurance of salvation. FOUR ASPECTS OF SALVATION: Regeneration, Justification, Sanctification & Glorification.
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