Sun, Dec 22, 2013

Joseph as God’s associate

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Can God associate with you for something great? There are characteristics that attract God to people. Many do not pay attention to them and end up living an ordinary life that cannot change the landscape of life. God never chooses people randomly. There is a price to pay that attracts God and makes Him your associate. Why did God choose Joseph to be part of His plan to redeem humanity?
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joseph god associate

Matthew 1:18-25;  Jude 1:3-5; Amos 3:3;

Can God associate with you for something great? There are characteristics that attract God to people. Many do not pay attention to them and end up living an ordinary life that cannot change the landscape of life. God never chooses people randomly. There is a price to pay that attracts God and makes Him your associate. Why did God choose Joseph to be part of His plan to redeem humanity?

1. He was a man of integrity:  prepared to do the right thing in the right way.  
2. He had strong believes: 3 simple statements of faith that make Christianity: God is (exist), God has spoken (God of relationships), God must be obeyed.
3. He was sensitive to God’s guidance and willing to do His will no matter what the consequences.

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