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Push Through Lethargy
Sun, Nov 21, 2021
Christian life, from God's perspective, is about faithfulness, fruitfulness, and fulfilment. However, one of the things that rob Christians of the best in Christ are activities devoid of enthusiasm. "You are saved by faith alone, but faith is never alone. Because saving faith leads to fruitfulness."
The Doctrine of Gratitude
Sun, Oct 24, 2021
Gratitude is a response to the graciousness, blessing of provision and abundance, even if our own work played a major role in generating our wealth. Gratitude closes the gap between your imagined life and your given life. We must cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously, because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.
Champions of Positive Change
Sun, Oct 17, 2021
"One of the reasons why God comes into our lives, in the first place, is that we may become good news in communities that have had enough bad news in their lives." Dr Paul Alexander Acts 8:1-8 & Acts 12:25-13:3
Sun, Sep 19, 2021
“Each one of us has been graced for the mission of God. We need to show and tell the good news, centre our lives on Christ and live in right standing with God.”
The scattered church
Sun, Aug 29, 2021
Throughout history, God has always scattered His people as seeds to respond to the needs of humanity. The church needs to engage the world and not isolate itself.
The Persecuted Church
Sun, Aug 22, 2021
A great persecution of the Church resulting in immense joy in the city reveals that God allows the Church to go through many difficulties for the purpose of His eternal plan. Christian suffering is the primary means God uses to advance his gospel in the world.
Zoom out
Sun, Aug 15, 2021
Every individual who overcomes any challenge is able to do so because they can see the end gain in pain.
Don't drop out of the race
Sun, Aug 08, 2021
Much effort could go to waste if believers do not ensure that some new community members do not drop out of the race. Five disqualifiers must be avoided: falling short of the grace of God, harbouring bitterness, indulging in sexual immorality, Despising spiritual things, and Prioritizing minor things
The God who gives a seed
Fri, Aug 06, 2021
A visible token of heaven in the life of an individual is important but insufficient. The church is suffering from people who have had an experience of heaven but cannot contribute adequately to day-to-day life. A token of heaven that never translated into a real blessing.
A time for God’s justice
Thu, Aug 05, 2021
Justice is a natural human longing. This longing can lead some to become atheists, hedonists, antagonists, and discouraged. However, it can also lead to becoming faithful servants and enable us to become vessels for the justice of God.
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