In order to help prospective couples to prepare for marriage and avoid potential pitfalls, Gospel Ramah Church has a Pre-marital Counseling Program that has to be completed before the marriage can be officiated. Preparation for marriage involves more than throwing a party. Pre-marital counseling is designed to help the couple to build a solid foundation for their relationship.


The prospective couple is required to lead a God-honoring lifestyle, displayed in the following:

1. Pursuit of holiness (seeking to be set apart for use by God)

2. Purity (including no sexual relations before marriage)

3. Avoidance of temptation (Not spending time alone in a private place).

(Eph. 5:3; 1 Thess. 4:1-8; Heb.13:4)

These are of high value in the body of Christ, therefore in our Ministry.

The Process

The couple will be taken through the following process:

  • Both must be born-again, baptized according to the scriptures (preferably members of G.R.C.)
  • The couple must always express the desire to abide by God’s Word and also fellowship with other believers.
  • The couple must inform and keep open communication with their respective Social Group Leader for accountability purposes, i.e. Youth Pastor, Leader of Men’s Ministry, Leader of Women’s Ministry. In addition to the above, a Section Leader must be made aware if an Active Member is in a relationship.
  • The Social Group Leader will put the dating couple in contact with the pre-marital counselors for further guidance regarding the premarital process.
  • The premarital counselors will liaise with the Executive Pastor’s Office and facilitate the administrative process. The process includes: Confirmation of parental approval, and wedding date approval (The prospects may not fix the wedding date before consulting with the Church).
  • In the event of any complication that may arise, e.g. disagreements between families, etc. the case will be referred to the Eldership of Gospel Ramah Church.
  • Only upon completion of the pre-marital counseling program can the wedding ceremony be conducted.
  • The Church will do follow up sessions with the couple after wedding to see how they are settling into marriage, etc.
  • After the wedding, the couple shall render services in the Children Ministry for a period of four (4) weeks for the purpose of exposing them to some aspects of parenting.