Sunday 1st Service - 10/12/2023

This service runs for about 90 minutes in length. We begin with the band leading the church in worship songs — lyrics are projected onto the screens to sing along and engage with worship; however, you feel most comfortable. One of our pastors or a guest will come out to share an encouraging and hope-filled message about Jesus. The final segment of our service is an opportunity to commit/recommit your life to Christ. The service ends with a few announcements.


 Booking is no longer required for the In-Person Service. 


You can stream our services live on our website or YouTube.

Service booking opens Thursday for Sunday Services. 


Event Information

Event Date 10-12-2023 8:00 am
Event End Date 10-12-2023 9:30 am
Cancel Registration Before Date 20-03-2022 8:00 am
Location Main Auditorium
Categories Sunday Service
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