What we believe
1. We believe in the scripture of the Old and the New Testaments in their original writings as fully inspired of God and accept them as the supreme and final authority for faith and life. 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Isaiah 40:8; Hebrews 4:12-131; Peter 1:23-25; Romans 10:17; Joshua 1:8; Psalm 19:7-8; James 1:22-25
2. We believe in one God, eternally existing in three Persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:18-19
3. We believe that Jesus-Christ was begotten of the Father, conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary and is true God and true man. John 6:28-33; Luke 1:29-35; Luke 2:1-7
4. We believe that God created man in His own image(Genesis 3); that man sinned and thereby incurred the penalty of sin which is death, physical and spiritual; that all human beings inherit a sinful nature which issues (in case of those who reach moral responsibility) in actual transgression involving personal guilt.
5. We believe that the Lord Jesus-Christ died for our sins(1 John 2:2) a substitution sacrifice(Isaiah 53:4-6,12) according to the Scriptures and that all who believe in Him are justified on the grounds of His shed blood.
6. We believe in the bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus, His ascension into heaven, and His present life as our High Priest and Advocate. Luke 24:1-12,13-49; Luke 24:50-53; Acts 1:6-11; Hebrews 4:14-16
7. We believe in the personal return of the Lord Jesus-Christ for eternal reward to the just and eternal damnation for the unjust. Matthew 25:31-46
8. We believe that all that repent of their sin and receive the Lord Jesus-Christ by faith are born again of the Holy Spirit(John 7:38-39) and thereby become children of God. John 1:12; Romans 8:14-15
9. We believe in the baptism of water by immersion. Matthew 28:18-19
10. We believe in the baptism of the Holy spirit(Matthew 28:18-19), who empowers and equips believers for service, with natural or spiritual gifts.
11. We also believe in the breaking of bread as a reminder of the Lord’s death and return. Luke 22:19; 1 Cor 11:23-26
12. We believe in the priesthood of all believers, that means everyone has received passion, gift(s) and unique wiring to promote the work of ministry.